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There’s a great need that isn’t currently being met and we intend to do something about it – restoring individuals’ self-esteem, choices, a working role in society and hope!

We believe that the work we will do will have a great impact on the lives of those who attend, and often on those around them too.

All money received by ReSkilled goes to our running costs:

Please consider making a donation to enable this life-changing work using one of the options below:

Giving Regularly – this will enable us to cover regular costs and assess the need to apply for grants

Make a Donation – everything you give will help us to transform people’s futures – from a bus ticket to get to the workshop, to paying for a 25 week course

Please remember to complete the Gift Aid declaration if you are eligible (this will make a big difference – thank you).

As a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, we believe that ReSkilled should be accountable for the work that we do. Please see our Positive Social and Environmental Impact page for more details.