Safeguarding Policy
This policy applies to all staff, paid or voluntary, and all board members of ReSkilled. For details on how we apply Safeguarding at ReSkilled, please see our ReSkilled Safeguarding Guidance and Procedures
The purpose of this policy is:
– to protect vulnerable adults who access ReSkilled’s services
– to provide staff and volunteers with the overarching principles that guide our approach to Safeguarding
Our Statement of Commitment
ReSkilled believes that vulnerable adults should never experience abuse of any kind. We have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all adults and to keep them safe, and we are committed to work in a way that protects them. We have therefore put in place safeguards and measures to reduce the likelihood of abuse taking place within ReSkilled.
Legal framework
This policy has been drawn up on the basis of law and guidance that seeks to protect vulnerable adults, namely:
– Mental Capacity Act 2005 (see Principles)
– Human Rights Act 1998 (specifically Articles: 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10)
– Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (specifically Part 5, chapter 1)
– Data Protection Act 2018 (GDPR)
– Equality Act 2010
This policy should be read alongside our policies and procedures on:
– ReSkilled Safeguarding Guidance and Procedures
– Code of Conduct for Staff, Volunteers and Trustees
– Code of Conduct for Workshop Users
– Staff and Volunteer Recruitment policy
– Equality policy
– Dignity at Work policy
– Complaints policy
– Whistleblowing policy
– Grievance policy
– Disciplinary procedure
– Privacy policy (GDPR)
– Photo, Video and Electronic Communications policy
– Induction and Training for Staff and Volunteers
– Lone Working policy
– Health and Safety policy
– First Aid policy
Evidence in practice
We will seek to keep participants, volunteers and staff at ReSkilled safe by:
– valuing, listening to and respecting them
– adopting, maintaining and updating Safeguarding procedures in all aspects of working
– appointing a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and a Safeguarding Lead member of the trustees
– not tolerating any discrimination, including for reasons of gender, race, disability, age, religious belief, racial heritage, sexual orientation or identity
– developing, implementing and promoting appropriate Internet and Social Media usage, and Photo, Video and Electronic Communication policies and related procedures
– providing effective management for staff and volunteers through support, training and the implementation of policies to provide a safe, fair and positive work environment
– recruiting staff and volunteers safely, ensuring all the necessary checks are made
– providing all necessary induction and further training for staff and volunteers to fully understand their roles and responsibilities for safeguarding
– recording and storing personal information professionally and securely
– promoting awareness of good safeguarding through posters and easily accessible information provided on ReSkilled’s website
– using our safeguarding procedures to share concerns and relevant information with agencies who need to know, involving the individuals and their support networks as appropriate, in line with the agreement signed when joining ReSkilled
– using our procedures to manage any allegations against staff or volunteers appropriately
– creating and maintaining an anti-bullying environment and ensuring that we have a policy and procedures to help us deal effectively with any bullying that might arise
– ensuring that we have effective Complaints, Disciplinary, Grievance and Whistleblowing procedures in place
– ensuring the adoption of clear lone-working procedures
– ensuring that we provide a safe physical environment for our participants, volunteers and staff by applying health and safety measures in accordance with the law and regulatory guidance, and by ensuring that all First Aid training and equipment is kept up to date
We are committed to reviewing our policies and good practice annually.
This policy was last reviewed on 15th February 2024
For more information about Safeguarding at ReSkilled, please see our ReSkilled Safeguarding Guidance and Procedures.
Contact details
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Piers Rosslyn-Smith
Safeguarding Lead Trustee: Alex Pady