Our Partners
Voluntary Action South West Surrey (VASWS)
Voluntary Action South West Surrey run a number of different projects all aimed at helping people get more involved in their communities and making it easier for people to volunteer. Volunteering is:
• Good for your health
• Good for your confidence
• Good for your well-being
It can be amazing – you make a contribution to your community, learn new skills, help people, broaden your horizons and make friends. Volunteering can be a great way back into work if you’ve not been able to work for a while and it can be fun.
It can also be daunting getting started – this can be the hardest part if you’re lacking confidence. That’s why VASWS make help available for people who see the benefits of volunteering but need support with the first steps. They run Welcome to Volunteering! and Welcome Buddies.
Welcome to Volunteering! offers:
• Volunteer taster sessions
• Help finding a volunteer role that suits you
• Help with interviews, application forms and other practical details
• Support with settling into a volunteering role
Run by friendly and supportive staff, funded by the National Lottery’s Big Lottery Fund, Welcome to Volunteering! is for anyone who feels they need extra support to take up and sustain a volunteering role.
Welcome Buddies aims to help people with mental ill-health move on with their lives by supporting them to join in with mainstream activities.
People who would benefit are those who have either become isolated because they lack the confidence to start a new activity on their own, or those who would like to move on from activities provided for people with mental ill-health and would like support to join groups, clubs and activities that are for everyone.
Welcome Buddies helps identify activities that the person would like to try out. They are then matched with a Volunteer buddy who will accompany them and support them until they are ready to go it alone.
For further details, please contact:
Alice Sheppard
39 Castle Street, Guildford, Surrey, UK, GU1 3UQ
Tel: 01483 565 456
Volunteer Woking
We offer a wide variety of volunteering roles and options available around Woking Borough, making it easier than you think to find something that makes a difference and fits around your interests, skills and lifestyle.
Volunteering provides opportunities to:
• meet new people and make new friends
• gain confidence and self-esteem
• give something back to an organisation or community who have made a difference to your life
• improve your local environment
• feel valued and part of a team
For some, volunteering can be a route to employment, or a chance to try new skills which could lead to a career change.
Volunteering can be a way of:
• gaining new skills, knowledge and experience
• improving your CV and employment prospects
• gaining qualifications and accreditations
For further details, please see: