Equality Policy
Discrimination is unlawful. Individuals and organisations in law have a responsibility not to discriminate.
Discrimination can be direct, indirect, intentional, unintentional or institutional.
Direct discrimination is where an individual or group receives less favourable treatment for some unjustifiable reason, e.g. because of sex, race or disability.
Indirect discrimination is applying unjustifiable requirements and conditions that have a disproportionate impact on an individual or particular group.
Institutional discrimination is the collective failure of an organisation to provide an appropriate and professional service or involve minorities because of their background or experience. It can be seen in our attitudes, behaviours and procedures.
Overcoming your own prejudices and assumptions about others is a major step towards embracing equality. Assumptions are often based on appearances and are a part of how we are seen by others and also how we view others. Recognising that assumptions are not necessarily an accurate assessment of a person or situation will allow you to make decisions based on equality. We all need to rethink what we do and how we behave to achieve equality, which is not about treating everyone the same, but instead about recognising and respecting differences and treating each other with fairness and dignity.
ReSkilled recognises that everyone has a contribution to make to our society, that everyone is different and that these differences must be equally respected with the right to equal treatment. We are committed to challenging discrimination so that we demonstrate our commitment to equality and do not exclude people or make them feel isolated.
ReSkilled aims to achieve equality of opportunity in its activities and recognises that discrimination can affect a wide range of groups and individuals in our society. Our aim is to ensure that no participant, staff member, volunteer or applicant for any of these roles will be discriminated against on the grounds of:
– Race, colour, nationality, citizenship, ethnic or national origin
– Sex, marital status, sexual orientation
– Age, part-time working or caring responsibility
– Religion
– Physical or sensory impairment, learning disability, mental health problems or HIV status
ReSkilled is opposed to any form of discrimination and seeks to ensure that its policies and practices are non-discriminatory, including recruitment and employment (see our Staff and Volunteer Recruitment Policy).
ReSkilled aims to promote equal opportunities in its day to day service, including accessibility to our premises for disabled people and wheelchair users.
ReSkilled aims to ensure that our publicity and information material is written in a “user-friendly” language and excludes jargon which can prevent some people from understanding.
We regularly review our policies:
– Building fairness into all that we do
– Eliminating all forms of inappropriate discrimination
– Developing environments where people are valued and respected
– Taking any complaints about inequality seriously
– Providing services which are available to everyone